
Are you ready to move from where you are to where you want to be in life? |
These dynamic presentations and workshops provide tools to help participants move beyond their current circumstances to more expansive and satisfying lives. Learn how to step out of the limited “view from 3rd base” and see the whole ballgame. Once you gain this broader perspective, you’ll be more effective in every area of your life. Dr. Brabo gives audiences practical tools to deal with issues ranging from stress reduction to developing positive relationships. Her upbeat presentations are guaranteed to give you new perspectives and a new confidence that you can become all that you want to be.
Most Requested Presentations and Workshops |
Stress No More!  |
Stress No More! Understand the larger issues that contribute to stress and turn them around to work for you instead of against you.
Learn the 7 critical mistakes people commonly make that lead to stress and how to avoid them!
Mistake # 1 - Giving yourself away to external events.
Mistake # 2 - Giving yourself away to physical world
notions of what's important.
Mistake # 3 - Disconnecting from your center - your spirit.
Mistake # 4 - Not properly caring for yourself.
Mistake # 5 - Not properly caring for others.
Mistake # 6 - Forgetting to look up.
Mistake # 7 - Thinking this physical life is your only
Reach Your Full Potential  |
Reach Your Full Potential |
Make the most of life! Move beyond barriers and limitations to achieve all that is possible.
How can you make the most of life?
How can you live beyond the limitations of the physical world to achieve all that is possible in your development?
that life is more than what you see with your physical eyes,
how you limit yourself by living within physical world understandings,
how to open your potential by seeing life through a non-physical world lens, and
how to integrate and apply this no-limitation seeing and being into your everyday life. |
Change - Make the Most of It! |
Change - Make the Most of It! Change makes space for new things to occur. Use these openings to create a better quality of life and a stronger business.
Change is one of the constants of life. With change is opportunity. Learn the art of
viewing most change as positive,
incorporating successful strategies for handling change,
perceiving the openings created by change and the accompanying opportunities, and
using the opportunities of change to positively impact your life and business.
Expats - Make it an Adventure, Not an Adversity! Adapt to cross-cultural issues and thrive in your new position and environment. Keep your marriage and children healthy and happy.
Whether you're a first-time expat or a seasoned traveler, staying happy and healthy is a top priority. Learn effective strategies used by expatriates all over the world for the essentials of.
setting up house and home,
hitting the ground running in your location,
adapting to cross-cultural issues,
supporting your family as they adjust to the new environment,
keeping your marriage/relationship positive and growing, and
parenting effectively.
Positive Parenting Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, positively handle the joys and challenges of raising children.
Reduce the challenges and increase the rewards of parenting by increasing your understanding about.
previous connections with your child and the impact of these previous connections on your parent-child relationship,
you and your child's agreed upon agenda together in this life,
the causes of behavior issues and how to effectively address them, and
capitalizing on the strengths of you and your child to help you both succeed in this complicated world.
Spiritual Empowerment |
Spiritual Empowerment Move beyond the five senses to more consciously access and act upon your own intuition - your own spiritual guidance.
Empower yourself spiritually by developing your understanding and skills. Learn
the difference between living life anchored in the physical versus living life anchored in spirit,
what's on the horizon for your spiritual evolution,
how to more consciously access your intuition - your spiritual guidance,
how to use your intuition, your spiritual guidance, to help you navigate this physical life, and
what it means and what it takes to follow your intuition, your spiritual guidance.
Are you struggling with grief or unresolved issues due to the loss of a loved one? All that you need is Grief Counseling. Explore your connections to this loved one, find out where they are now, since passing, and directly communicate with them about your feelings.
If you would like more information or customized topics, please call us at
310-339-8525 or email us at [email protected].